Esita Päring

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Our team is our most valuable resource. All of our cleaning technicians have earned professional
cleaner certification through maid training academy.


  • Offer a different kind of services to families and professionals
  • Deliver high quality and consistent services
  • Use environmentall friendly cleaning products
  • Provide stable jobs with resonable wages
  • Concentrate our resources on maintaining standards
  • Make you an extremely satisfied customer

Want to talk?

Please call now: 250 725 7052

Need a special cleaning service? We are happy to fulfill every request in order to exceed your expectations.


  • How many people will come to clean my house?

    What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.

  • Do I have to be present for a cleaning?

    What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.

  • How long will it take to clean my house?

    What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.



Women feel better when their home is clean.


More dust is found on carpets then floorboards.


Americans prefer to clean on a weekly basis.


Of men do housework on a daily basis.


      Kasutatakse osoonitud vett toiduainete ja tööpindade desinfitseerimiseks, mille tulemusena suureneb toiduohutus.


      Kasutatakse osooni taimede ja põllukultuuride saagikuse suurendamiseks. Osoonil on võime indutseerida taimedes klorofülli arengut, mis suurendab fotosünteesi ja selle tulemusena toidu tootmist.


      Kasutatakse osoonitud vett haavade desinfitseerimiseks ja nakkuste vältimiseks. Osoonteraapiat kasutatakse mitmesuguste meditsiiniliste probleemide raviks. Osoonteraapia on teatud tüüpi ravi, mille käigus osooni viiakse kehasse, et suurendada rakkude hapnikuga varustamist ja immuunsüsteemi aktiivsust.